Watermelon Seeds

torunoglu seed

The world of our country comes right after China in watermelon production. Our country meets a 20% share of world watermelon production. 

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Watermelon is the hot season plant. Watermelon should not freeze in the region where agriculture is being done. The soil temperature should not be below 12 ° C in sowing. The depth of planting should be 4-5 cm. Early watermelon should be used in October. The fidelites, prepared with special mortar (one measure of peat, one well of burnt stallion sand, one meter of stream sand) and 1-2 seeds thrown and planted after 30-45 days, are planted in a cultivated field, with a width of 75 cm. 

torunoglu seed

The watermelon is known for the fruit and the changes in its stalks. The grown watermelon lightens, shines in the shell, is easily drawn with nail, fruit stem is examined. 2-5 fruits are obtained from each root. Handling and storage should be sensitive. 

torunoglu seed

In normal watermelon 5-6 tons, watermelon over watermelon 12 -14 tons are harvested. You should not use pumpkin seedlings, it disturbs the charcoal taste. 

torunoglu seed

Types of watermelon seeds 

-Crimson Sweet

torunoglu seed


torunoglu seed

The nutritional value of watermelon (100 gr) 

- 30 Calories 

- 0.5 gr protein

- 0.3 gr fiber

- 10 mg phosphorus

- 7 mg calcium

- 8.5 mg iron

- 320 mg potassium

- 0.2 oil

- 8,3 carbohydrates 

torunoglu seed

Our watermelon seeds are certified and have high yield capacity. It is early and resistant to diseases. You can search our company for more information about hybrid watermelon seeds, watermelon seeds prices and watermelon seeds varieties. 

Do not worry about which is the best watermelon seed, call us and we will recommend the best seed watermelon seed. 

torunoglu seed

Early watermelon species, Watermelon species, washington watermelon 

There are native watermelon seeds of Adana halep. 

Tags: watermelon seeds, watermelon seed prices, watermelon seed varieties, black watermelon

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