
Festulolium, is a variant of a hybrid feed plant that has been developed by crossing (cross breeding) Festuca and Lolium species among themselves.


It began to be accepted in the late 1950s. Festulolium is used in grass and pasture mixtures or in stand alone crops.


Grazing is considered as silage or hay. Festulolium is a perennial feed plant.


It is resistant to diseases and is fast growing. It is very suitable for heavy grazing. In recent years its population has increased. It contains very high dry matter and is resistant to drought. It has high protein, energy and sugar ratios. 5 kg should be cultivated on a decare, approximately 1-2 cm deep.



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Torunoğlu Seed

Torunoglu Seed has provided valuable services to Turkish Animal Husbandry since 1990 in a wide range of feed plants, field crops seeds and animal husbandry; our domestic and foreign sales continue. It imported thousands of high productivity breeding pregnant heifers from abroad and distributed them to many farms and pioneered the establishment of many new farms.


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